JavaScript’s core—most often used and most fundamental—data type is the Object data type. JavaScript has one complex data type, the Object data type, and it has five simple data types: Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, and Null. Note that these simple (primitive) data types are immutable (cannot be changed), while objects are mutable (can be changed).
[sc:mongodb-book]What is an Object
An object is an unordered list of primitive data types (and sometimes reference data types) that is stored as a series of name-value pairs. Each item in the list is called a property (functions are called methods).
Consider this simple object:
var myFirstObject = {firstName: "Richard", favoriteAuthor: "Conrad"};
Think of an object as a list that contains items, and each item (a property or a method) in the list is stored by a name-value pair. The property names in the example above are firstName and favoriteAuthor. And the values are “Richard” and “Conrad.”
Property names can be a string or a number, but if the property name is a number, it has to be accessed with the bracket notation. More on bracket notation later. Here is another example of objects with numbers as the property name:
var ageGroup = {30: "Children", 100:"Very Old"};
console.log(ageGroup.30) // This will throw an error
// This is how you will access the value of the property 30, to get value "Children"
console.log(ageGroup["30"]); // Children
//It is best to avoid using numbers as property names.
As a JavaScript developer you will most often use the object data type, mostly for storing data and for creating your own custom methods and functions.
Reference Data Type and Primitive Data Types
One of the main differences between reference data type and primitive data types is reference data type’s value is stored as a reference, it is not stored directly on the variable, as a value, as the primitive data types are. For example:
// The primitive data type String is stored as a value
var person = "Kobe";
var anotherPerson = person; // anotherPerson = the value of person
person = "Bryant"; // value of person changed
console.log(anotherPerson); // Kobe
console.log(person); // Bryant
It is worth noting that even though we changed person to “Bryant,” the anotherPerson variable still retains the value that person had.
Compare the primitive data saved-as-value demonstrated above with the save-as-reference for objects:
var person = {name: "Kobe"};
var anotherPerson = person; = "Bryant";
console.log(; // Bryant
console.log(; // Bryant
In this example, we copied the person object to anotherPerson, but because the value in person was stored as a reference and not an actual value, when we changed the property to “Bryant” the anotherPerson reflected the change because it never stored an actual copy of it’s own value of the person’s properties, it only had a reference to it.
Object Data Properties Have Attributes
Each data property (object property that store data) has not only the name-value pair, but also 3 attributes (the three attributes are set to true by default):
— Configurable Attribute: Specifies whether the property can be deleted or changed.
— Enumerable: Specifies whether the property can be returned in a for/in loop.
— Writable: Specifies whether the property can be changed.
Note that ECMAScript 5 specifies accessor properties along with the data properties noted above. And the accessor properties are functions (getters and setters). We will learn more about ECMAScript 5 in an already-scheduled post slated for February 15.
Creating Objects
These are the two common ways to create objects:
- Object Literals
The most common and, indeed, the easiest way to create objects is with the object literal described here:// This is an empty object initialized using the object literal notation var myBooks = {}; // This is an object with 4 items, again using object literal var mango = { color: "yellow", shape: "round", sweetness: 8, howSweetAmI: function () { console.log("Hmm Hmm Good"); } }
- Object Constructor
The second most common way to create objects is with Object constructor. A constructor is a function used for initializing new objects, and you use the new keyword to call the constructor.var mango = new Object (); mango.color = "yellow"; mango.shape= "round"; mango.sweetness = 8; mango.howSweetAmI = function () { console.log("Hmm Hmm Good"); }
While you can use some reserved word such as “for” as property names in your objects, it is wise to avoid this altogether.
Objects can contain any other data type, including Numbers, Arrays, and even other Objects.
Practical Patterns for Creating Objects
For simple objects that may only ever be used once in your application to store data, the two methods used above would suffice for creating objects.
Imagine you have an application that displays fruits and detail about each fruit. All fruits in your application have these properties: color, shape, sweetness, cost, and a showName function. It would be quite tedious and counterproductive to type the following every time you want to create a new fruit object.
var mangoFruit = {
color: "yellow",
sweetness: 8,
fruitName: "Mango",
nativeToLand: ["South America", "Central America"],
showName: function () {
console.log("This is " + this.fruitName);
nativeTo: function () {
this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log("Grown in:" + eachCountry);
If you have 10 fruits, you will have to add the same code 10 times. And what if you had to make a change to the nativeTo function? You will have to make the change in 10 different places. Now extrapolate this to adding objects for members on a website and suddenly you realized the manner in which we have created objects so far is not ideal objects that will have instances, particularly when developing large applications.
To solve these repetitive problems, software engineers have invented patterns (solutions for repetitive and common tasks) to make developing applications more efficient and streamlined.
Here are two common patterns for creating objects. If you have done the Learn JavaScript Properly course, you would have seen the lessons in the Code Academy used this first pattern frequently:
- Constructor Pattern for Creating Objects
function Fruit (theColor, theSweetness, theFruitName, theNativeToLand) { this.color = theColor; this.sweetness = theSweetness; this.fruitName = theFruitName; this.nativeToLand = theNativeToLand; this.showName = function () { console.log("This is a " + this.fruitName); } this.nativeTo = function () { this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) { console.log("Grown in:" + eachCountry); }); } }
With this pattern in place, it is very easy to create all sorts of fruits. Thus:
var mangoFruit = new Fruit ("Yellow", 8, "Mango", ["South America", "Central America", "West Africa"]); mangoFruit.showName(); // This is a Mango. mangoFruit.nativeTo(); //Grown in:South America // Grown in:Central America // Grown in:West Africa var pineappleFruit = new Fruit ("Brown", 5, "Pineapple", ["United States"]); pineappleFruit.showName(); // This is a Pineapple.
If you had to change the fruitName function, you only had to do it in one location. The pattern encapsulates all the functionalities and characteristics of all the fruits in by making just the single Fruit function with inheritance.
— An inherited property is defined on the object’s prototype property. For example: someObject.prototype.firstName = “rich”;— An own property is defined directly on the object itself, for example:
// Let’s create an object first:
var aMango = new Fruit ();
// Now we define the mangoSpice property directly on the aMango object
// Because we define the mangoSpice property directly on the aMango object, it is an own property of aMango, not an inherited property.
aMango.mangoSpice = “some value”;— To access a property of an object, we use, for example:
console.log(aMango.mangoSpice); // “some value”— To invoke a method of an object, we use object.method(), for example:
// First, lets add a method
aMango.printStuff = function () {return “Printing”;}// Now we can invoke the printStuff method:
aMango.printStuff (); - Prototype Pattern for Creating Objects
function Fruit () { } Fruit.prototype.color = "Yellow"; Fruit.prototype.sweetness = 7; Fruit.prototype.fruitName = "Generic Fruit"; Fruit.prototype.nativeToLand = "USA"; Fruit.prototype.showName = function () { console.log("This is a " + this.fruitName); } Fruit.prototype.nativeTo = function () { console.log("Grown in:" + this.nativeToLand); }
And this is how we call the Fruit () constructor in this prototype pattern:
var mangoFruit = new Fruit (); mangoFruit.showName(); // mangoFruit.nativeTo(); // This is a Generic Fruit // Grown in:USA
Further Reading
For a complete discussion on these two patterns and a thorough explanation of how each work and the disadvantages of each, read Chapter 6 of Professional JavaScript for Web Developers. You will also learn which pattern Zakas recommends as the best one to use (Hint: it is neither of the 2 above).
How to Access Properties on an Object
The two primary ways of accessing properties of an object are with dot notation and bracket notation.
- Dot Notation
// We have been using dot notation so far in the examples above, here is another example again: var book = {title: "Ways to Go", pages: 280, bookMark1:"Page 20"}; // To access the properties of the book object with dot notation, you do this: console.log ( book.title); // Ways to Go console.log ( book.pages); // 280
- Bracket Notation
// To access the properties of the book object with bracket notation, you do this: console.log ( book["title"]); //Ways to Go console.log ( book["pages"]); // 280 //Or, in case you have the property name in a variable: var bookTitle = "title"; console.log ( book[bookTitle]); // Ways to Go console.log (book["bookMark" + 1]); // Page 20
Accessing a property on an object that does not exist will result in undefined.
Own and Inherited Properties
Objects have inherited properties and own properties. The own properties are properties that were defined on the object, while the inherited properties were inherited from the object’s Prototype object.
To find out if a property exists on an object (either as an inherited or an own property), you use the in operator:
// Create a new school object with a property name schoolName
var school = {schoolName:"MIT"};
// Prints true because schoolName is an own property on the school object
console.log("schoolName" in school); // true
// Prints false because we did not define a schoolType property on the school object, and neither did the object inherit a schoolType property from its prototype object Object.prototype.
console.log("schoolType" in school); // false
// Prints true because the school object inherited the toString method from Object.prototype.
console.log("toString" in school); // true
To find out if an object has a specific property as one of its own property, you use the hasOwnProperty method. This method is very useful because from time to time you need to enumerate an object and you want only the own properties, not the inherited ones.
// Create a new school object with a property name schoolName
var school = {schoolName:"MIT"};
// Prints true because schoolName is an own property on the school object
console.log(school.hasOwnProperty ("schoolName")); // true
// Prints false because the school object inherited the toString method from Object.prototype, therefore toString is not an own property of the school object.
console.log(school.hasOwnProperty ("toString")); // false
Accessing and Enumerating Properties on Objects
To access the enumerable (own and inherited) properties on objects, you use the for/in loop or a general for loop.
// Create a new school object with 3 own properties: schoolName, schoolAccredited, and schoolLocation.
var school = {schoolName:"MIT", schoolAccredited: true, schoolLocation:"Massachusetts"};
//Use of the for/in loop to access the properties in the school object
for (var eachItem in school) {
console.log(eachItem); // Prints schoolName, schoolAccredited, schoolLocation
Accessing Inherited Properties
Properties inherited from Object.prototype are not enumerable, so the for/in loop does not show them. However, inherited properties that are enumerable are revealed in the for/in loop iteration.
For example:
//Use of the for/in loop to access the properties in the school object
for (var eachItem in school) {
console.log(eachItem); // Prints schoolName, schoolAccredited, schoolLocation
// Create a new HigherLearning function that the school object will inherit from.
/* SIDE NOTE: As Wilson (an astute reader) correctly pointed out in the comments below, the educationLevel property is not actually inherited by objects that use the HigherLearning constructor; instead, the educationLevel property is created as a new property on each object that uses the HigherLearning constructor. The reason the property is not inherited is because we use of the "this" keyword to define the property.
function HigherLearning () {
this.educationLevel = "University";
// Implement inheritance with the HigherLearning constructor
var school = new HigherLearning ();
school.schoolName = "MIT";
school.schoolAccredited = true;
school.schoolLocation = "Massachusetts";
//Use of the for/in loop to access the properties in the school object
for (var eachItem in school) {
console.log(eachItem); // Prints educationLevel, schoolName, schoolAccredited, and schoolLocation
In the last example, note the educationLevel property that was defined on the HigherLearning function is listed as one of the school’s properties, even though educationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited.
Object’s Prototype Attribute and Prototype Property
The prototype attribute and prototype property of an object are critically important concepts to understand in JavaScript. Read my post JavaScript Prototype in Plain, Detailed Language for more.
Deleting Properties of an Object
To delete a property from an object, you use the delete operator. You cannot delete properties that were inherited, nor can you delete properties with their attributes set to configurable. You must delete the inherited properties on the prototype object (where the properties were defined). Also, you cannot delete properties of the global object, which were declared with the var keyword.
The delete operator returns true if the delete was successful. And surprisingly, it also returns true if the property to delete was nonexistent or the property could not be deleted (such as non-configurable or not owned by the object).
These examples illustrate:
var christmasList = {mike:"Book", jason:"sweater" }
delete christmasList.mike; // deletes the mike property
for (var people in christmasList) {
// Prints only jason
// The mike property was deleted
delete christmasList.toString; // returns true, but toString not deleted because it is an inherited method
// Here we call the toString method and it works just fine—wasn’t deleted
christmasList.toString(); //"[object Object]"
// You can delete a property of an instance if the property is an own property of that instance. For example, we can delete the educationLevel property from the school's object we created above because the educationLevel property is defined on the instance: we used the "this" keyword to define the property when we declare the HigherLearning function. We did not define the educationLevel property on the HigherLearning function's prototype.
console.log(school.hasOwnProperty("educationLevel")); true
// educationLevel is an own property on school, so we can delete it
delete school.educationLevel; true
// The educationLevel property was deleted from the school instance
console.log(school.educationLevel); undefined
// But the educationLevel property is still on the HigherLearning function
var newSchool = new HigherLearning ();
console.log(newSchool.educationLevel); // University
// If we had defined a property on the HigherLearning function's prototype, such as this educationLevel2 property:
HigherLearning.prototype.educationLevel2 = "University 2";
// Then the educationLevel2 property on the instances of HigherLearning would not be own property.
// The educationLevel2 property is not an own property on the school instance
console.log(school.hasOwnProperty("educationLevel2")); false
console.log(school.educationLevel2); // University 2
// Let's try to delete the inherited educationLevel2 property
delete school.educationLevel2; true (always returns true, as noted earlier)
// The inherited educationLevel2 property was not deleted
console.log(school.educationLevel2); University 2
Serialize and Deserialize Objects
To transfer your objects via HTTP or to otherwise convert it to a string, you will need to serialize it (convert it to a string); you can use the JSON.stringify function to serialize your objects. Note that prior to ECMAScript 5, you had to use a popular json2 library (by Douglas Crockford) to get the JSON.stringify function. It is now standardized in ECMAScript 5.
To Deserialize your object (convert it to an object from a string), you use the JSON.parse function from the same json2 library. This function too has been standardized by ECMAScript 5.
JSON.stringify Examples:
var christmasList = {mike:"Book", jason:"sweater", chelsea:"iPad" }
JSON.stringify (christmasList);
// Prints this string:
// "{"mike":"Book","jason":"sweater","chels":"iPad"}"
// To print a stringified object with formatting, add "null" and "4" as parameters:
JSON.stringify (christmasList, null, 4);
// "{
"mike": "Book",
"jason": "sweater",
"chels": "iPad"
// JSON.parse Examples \\
// The following is a JSON string, so we cannot access the properties with dot notation (like christmasListStr.mike)
var christmasListStr = '{"mike":"Book","jason":"sweater","chels":"iPad"}';
// Let’s convert it to an object
var christmasListObj = JSON.parse (christmasListStr);
// Now that it is an object, we use dot notation
console.log(christmasListObj.mike); // Book
For more detailed coverage of JavaScript Objects, including ECMAScript 5 additions for dealing with objects, read chapter 6 of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide 6th Edition.
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Good post, I always like them.
The “Fruit” constructor under the “Constructor Pattern for Creating Objects” has several coding errors. If you run the code through JSHint they’ll become very apparent. Properties should be ended with a semicolon (not a comma) and assignment should use the “=” sign, not the “:” — hope that helps.
Thanks, R Sturim, for pointing out the errors. I just fixed the code.
I am not surprised there are errors in this particular post, because I didn’t get the chance to JSHint them and throughly review them for errors, which I am definitely doing for all the other example codes I post.
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Thank you for Posts. i’m trying to get a grasp of JavaScript and i had a question related to this post in particular your example under, “Constructor Pattern for Creating Objects”.
When i type in the console (FireFox) mangoFruit.fruitName, output is “Mango”.
Question arises when i type mangoFruit.nativeTo, it returns:
(function () {
for (var eachCountry in this.nativeTo) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
or when i type mangoFruit.nativeTo() it returns undefined.
i’m not certain why this is? How is this method called to output “eachCountry” variable?
thank you
Update (you are correct):
There was an error in the code, the this.nativeTo call in the for loop was calling the this.nativeTo function. It was not calling the this.nativeTo variable (the array) we really wanted. I just fixed the error. Here is the full code
function Fruit (theColor, theSweetness, theFruitName, theNativeToLand) {
this.color = theColor;
this.sweetness = theSweetness;
this.fruitName = theFruitName;
this.nativeToLand = theNativeToLand;
this.showName = function () {
console.log(“This is a ” + this.fruitName);
this.nativeTo = function () {
this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
var mangoFruit = new Fruit (“Yellow”, 8, “Mango”, [“South America”, “Central America”, “West Africa”]);
mangoFruit.showName(); // This is a Mango.
//Grown in:South America
// Grown in:Central America
// Grown in:West Africa
var pineappleFruit = new Fruit (“Brown”, 5, “Pineapple”, [“United States”]);
pineappleFruit.showName(); // This is a Pineapple.
thanks for the response: So if i just wanted to see the output of [“South America”, “Central America”, “West Africa”] from mangoFruit i would need to type in the entire code in the console?
i already have the entire code on a text file, i’m just running the firefox web console.
Since you already have the Fruit function in a JS file, then you don’t have to put the entire code in FireFox. I didn’t know you had it in a JS file already.
Excellent post! Two typos, I think:
1. To solve these repetitive problems, software engineers have invented patterns (clever was to solve common receptive tasks) to make developing applications more efficient.
– should read: (clever ways to solve common repetitive tasks)
2. In the last example, note the educationLevel property that was defined on the HigherLearning function is not listed as one of the school’s properties, even though educationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited.
– should be: “… HigherLearning function is listed …”
At least that is what I am seeing.
Finally, I want to make sure I understand this part:
“To delete a property from an object, you use the delete operator. You cannot delete properties that were inherited, nor can you delete properties with their attributes set to configurable. ”
It seems that I can delete the educationalLevel property from the school object (delete school.educationLevel) even though it is inherited from HigherLearning. Indeed, when that property is deleted, it is also deleted from HigherLearning. Am I seeing this right?
Thank you!
@M Dunn
Thanks for pointing out the two typos; I just fixed them.
I updated the post with a detailed explanation of why we can delete the educationLevel property from the school object.
BTW, the educationLevel property was not deleted from the HigherLearning function. See the additional “delete” details I added to the post.
Ah! I was faked out by the “true” returned when I deleted the inherited property and indeed, that property _was_ deleted (better to say “removed”?) from the child object. Silly me, I did not check to see that, of course, the prototype object still had the property. This makes sense now. Thank you.
BTW, you still have a “receptive” where there should be a “repetitive”.
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I think you need to write a book. As someone totally new to programming I’ve had a hard time reading the books you’ve suggested. Some things are easy to grasp but once I got to Objects I wanted to bang my head against the wall. This post is so much easier to understand! I feel like I have a much better understanding now. You explained it so clearly and the examples were easy to follow. Thank you.
Thank you very much for the encouraging words, Ariana. You are too kind.
I am very happy to hear that the article helped you to better understand JavaScript objects.
Pingback: OOP In JavaScript: What You NEED to Know | JavaScript is Sexy
These are great Tuts, thank you Richard!
I took your advice and work through almost everything here and elsewhere (in the console, editor etc.)…
Question: This may be pretty basic but given the fact you can change variables at will, doesn’t that make them mutable? I mean if I declare…
var starship = “enterprise”;
var starship = “reliant”; // won’t starship now be reliant?
I think this is a great question.
When you change a variable to a new string, you are redefining the variable and giving it a new value. Technically, this means that in the JS engine (behind the scenes), the first variable is destroyed and it is redefined with a new string. So you didn’t actually change the variable; the original string was literally destroyed, then the new string was created and assigned to the same variable.
Here is a quick example to demonstrate that strings are immutable (cannot be changed):
The string was never changed, because strings in JavaScript are immutable—they cannot be changed. It appears that behind the scenes a new string is being created and returned every time we execute one of the string methods like toLowerCase().
Thank you Richard!!
After reading Chapter 4(JS.FWD), this become much clearer!
One last thing though regarding this;
function setName(obj){ = “Nicholas”;
obj = new Object(); = “Greg”;
var person = new Object();
alert(; //”Nicholas”
I understand the point, this chapter was trying to convey with primitive vs. reference values, and I understand when “person” was passed in “setName” it picks up the value of “NIcholas” (it appears the argument “person” is going down the body of the function).
So is the creation of “obj = new Object() in effect acting as a “break” in a way to stop the argument from becoming “Greg?”
I modified the code to comment out the new obj:
function setName(obj){ = “Nicholas”;
//obj = new Object(); = “Greg”;
var person = new Object();
alert(; //now “Greg”
I tried some combinations and I think it is due the scope and preference of the Object.
in this code:
var mangoFruit = {
color: “yellow”,
sweetness: 8,
fruitName: “Mango”,
nativeToLand: [South America, Central America],
showName: function () {
console.log(“This is ” + fruitName);
nativeTo: function () {
nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
i’m getting this error:
Syntax error at line 5 while loading: syntax error
ativeToLand: [South America, Central Ame
why is it?
You are correct, Tomas. I forgot to wrap the strings (inside the nativeToLand array) in quotes. I fixed it above.
This incorrect line:
nativeToLand: [South America, Central America],
Should be this:
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
var mangoFruit = {
color: “yellow”,
sweetness: 8,
fruitName: “Mango”,
nativeToLand: [“South America”, “Central America”],
showName: function () {
console.log(“This is ” + this.fruitName);
nativeTo: function () {
nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
This gives ‘ReferenceError: nativeToLand is not defined’ in jsfiddle and firebug. Where am I wrong?
It was an error in my code. I just fixed it. I forgot the “this” keyword. It should be:
I just created a JSbin with the example:
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Went and read chapter 6 of 3rd Ed of Zakas book and I have a question.
Under the Parasitic Constr Patt and the Durable Constructor Pattern are these things true:
the whole premise of those patterns is IF you want to override the value returned ( by using the return keyword )
AND both patterns “hide” what created it and any information about its type other then its prototype is the native Object. It also means each property that is a function is in the global namespace too?
Is that correct ?
I see some ppl argue/debate that you should ALWAYS hide information about an objects implemention.
Basically saying to always use the factory pattern
There is no single pattern that should ALWAYS be used for every circumstance, but there are a couple of patterns that are more optimal, more well conceived than the others.
In my post “OOP in JavaScript: What You NEED to Know,” I discuss the two best patterns for OOP in JS: 1. Combination Constructor/ Prototype Pattern: Best for Encapsulation
2. Parasitic Combination Inheritance Pattern” Best for Inheritance.
You Rocks…Love your posts…
Thanks much, Sajay. With a cool name like Sajay, you rock too 🙂
Richard, good to hear from you, I am taking my JS skills to advance level. I find your articles very well written, easy to follow. Keep up the good work. Thanks 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful words, Sajay. I am very happy to hear my blog is helping you, and that you are taking your JS skills to the advanced level.
Really good website for studying javascript
Thanks for the feedback, Wang.
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Hi Richard,
I’m a little confused. Here’s the example where I’m confused:
function HigherLearning () {
this.educationLevel = “University”;
var school = new HigherLearning ();
school.schoolName = “MIT”;
school.schoolAccredited = true;
school.schoolLocation = “Massachusetts”;
In this example, you described “educationLevel” as an inherited property. However, my understanding is that this isn’t accurate (although I could totally be wrong here). First, school.hasOwnProperty(“educationLevel”) returns true which implies that this is an own property on the school object. Second, my understanding is that when the new keyword is used with a constructor function, the invocation context is the newly created object. Therefore, the “this” keyword in the HigherLearning function refers to the newly created object (i.e. this.educationLevel refers to school.educationLevel).
Is my understanding accurate?
You are correct, technically 🙂
So, this is the technical explanation (as you correctly observed):
Since the “this” keyword in the Constructor points to the newly created object, in this case the school object, and therefore the educationLevel property will be created on the school object, then it follows that educationLevel is not really inherited from the Constructor, but rather, it is a property that is actually created (new property) on the school object upon invocation of said school object.
Thanks for being so prompt with your responses, and helping to clarify my confusion!
I just updated the post and give you credit for your astute observation. 🙂
Keep pointing out errors whenever you find them. I am happy to update the articles and rid them of all typos, grammar mistakes, errors, technical missinformation, and the like.
Thanks again.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for posting the Excellent Topics!, and the way of clearing the concept. this article help me how to write code in advance level. It really helpful for programmer.
basically, I am upgrading the skills set in advance level.
thanks your very much 🙂
A.N. Sinha 🙂
there is an error with mangoFruit.showName().
showName should be:
showName: function () {
console.log(“This is ” + this.fruitName);
The showName method added on the Constructor in the code in the article is correct.
Correct. But the typo is just before, in the mangoFruit object definition…
I am looking for the error, but I am not seeing it, so I need your help to find it 🙂 .
Below is the full code that I copied and pasted from the article above. You can run it in JSBin or your console and you will see that it runs just fine, with the expected results.
just a few lines before in the post:
var mangoFruit = {
color: “yellow”,
sweetness: 8,
fruitName: “Mango”,
nativeToLand: [“South America”, “Central America”],
showName: function () {
console.log(“This is ” + fruitName);
nativeTo: function () {
nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
console.log(“This is ” + this.fruitName);
the “this” is missing
Thanks very much for your persistent, peacelion, I just found the error and I fixed it. The code was indeed missing the “this.” Good catch.
And by the way thanx a lot for your tutorials !!! IMHO the best about JS on internet.
Thank you, I am very happy that the blog is proving to be helpful and instructive. I really appreciate your kind words.
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Thanks a lot for this article and others on js. I have been struggling to learn the OOP concepts in javascript and has been too lazy to go through voluminous books but I do have spent time on google and youtubes reading articles and watching videos and then I suddenly stumbled upon your blog. You have a great simple way of explaining such complex topics. I am planning to read most of your posts and I hope you keep adding content on the website. I will refer this to all my friends who want to deep dive into the OOP concents of JS.
Thank you very much, Anand.
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Hey! Found another error at the very beginning. Yours says:
var ageGroup = {30: “Children”, 100:”Very Old”};
console.log(ageGroup.30) // This will throw an error
// This is how you will access the value of the property 30, to get value “Children”
console.log(ageGroup[“30”]}; // Children
console.log’s end parenthesis is replaced with an end curly brace instead. Thanks for the post! The track is helping me a lot so far!
Thanks very much, Gracie.
Good catch. I just fixed the typo.
Hey! Found another error at the very beginning. Yours says:
var ageGroup = {30: “Children”, 100:”Very Old”};
console.log(ageGroup.30) // This will throw an error
// This is how you will access the value of the property 30, to get value “Children”
console.log(ageGroup[“30”]}; // Children
console.log’s end parenthesis is replaced with an end curly brace instead. Thanks for the post! The track is helping me a lot so far.
Thanks a lot for your great posts
I have a question what is the usage of prototype pattern in your example?
The only usage I have in my mind is this:
We have one object and we don’t make its properties with prototype pattern. Then we make another object that inherits the properties of the first object now we use prototype pattern to say the second object inherits all the properties of the first one. Am I right?
Yep, you are correct, Ehsan.
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Richard, i know you appreciate typo notifications, so here’s one for you: in the article above, the word RETAIN needs to be plural.
e.g., the anotherPerson variable still retain the value > INCORRECT
the anotherPerson variable still retains the value > CORRECT
Very good catch, Sergi. Thanks a lot. I just fixed it.
And you are correct that I do really appreciate typos, bugs, grammatical errors, and all such notifications.
What an awesome read! Helped demistify the subject completely…and the subject on prototyping was awesome.
Thanks for the great article! I’m on week three of your javascript program and I’m learning much more than my previously failed attempts using other methods.
The best article I came across on JavaScript. Excellent piece of work
Those are wonderful words, Ramesh :). Thank you very much.
Hey Richard,
Just reread this post and now I totally get it! I actually reread the post about ‘passing by value vs. reference’
I am glad to hear your JS skills are improving. Keep up the good work.
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howSweetAmI: function () {
console.log(“Hmm Hmm Good”);
Was there a typo here? there are two closing braces, but only one opening brace.
No, there was not a typo in that code (although I do make mistakes often 🙂 ).
Here is the full code:
Thanks for another good post.
Thanks so much very useful.
Great post!
Great article, very well explained. I am a little bit more confident on objects now.
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“JavaScript has one complex data type, the Object data type, and it has five simple data types: Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, and Null. Note that these simple (primitive) data types are immutable, they cannot be changed, while objects are mutable.”
[1] So if the String datatype is immutable, what does this do?
String.prototype.hasStuff = function (s) {
return Boolean(this.length > 0);
>> “tommy”.hasStuff()
[2] So if,
and if
>>var bands = [“The Clash”, “Davis Bowie”, “Pink Floyd”]
then null is a datatype how?
1. What you have done is add a method to the String prototype, which you can do for any of the data type.
By “immutable”, we mean you cannot change the instance of the data type: If you create a string instance, you cannot change it. You can alter a copy of it and save the copy to another variable, but the original string will not be changed.
For example (Immutable Data Type):
On the other hand, if we make any changes to an Object data type, such as an array, look what happens:
(Mutable Data Types)
2. Yes, Null is a data type, in fact.
Thank you very much, the mentionned book is excellent also.
Thank you Richard.
Its good learning blog.
nice articels!
i had learned javascript for past two weeks and wile printing output i used document.write but now onward while i am going to learn more advance javascript i find console.log instead of document.write i cannot diffirentiate their working mechanism.
console.log(“xyz”); – prints “xyz” on the console of the browser, not on the browser HTML page. only the developer can see this, not the user of the website and hence, it is mainly used for debugging.
document.write(“xyz”); – will print “xyz” on the webpage itself.
Thanks for the post. It was very useful for me as i am just beginning on the JS journey, it cleared quite a few concepts.
Thankyou Again
Hi Richard,
Will you please add example which shows how to get values of property in object.
or maybe be its allready written and I couldn’t able to find it out.
var Fruit = function(color){
this.color = color
var mango = new Fruit(“yellow”);
mango.taste = “sweet”;
for(var prop in mango){
console.log(mango[prop]); // Prints Yellow, Sweet
and thanks so much for making this complex subject so easy 🙂
Great runthrough of objects in JS, thanks very much!
Small typo/problem:
“To delete a property from an object, you use the delete operator. You cannot delete properties that were inherited, nor can you delete properties with their attributes set to configurable.”
Did you mean “… attributes set to NOT configurable”?
Hello Richard,
Good information and site for javascript lovers.
Is there any such website which is informative and easy to understand for jQuery, HTML5, CSS3.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for posting the Excellent Topics!. Your explanation is also crystal clear.
I found the sections “Accessing and Enumerating Properties on Objects” and “Accessing Inherited Properties” highly confusing as you don’t seem to go over exclusively enumerating own properties, rather you seem to demonstrate inheritance in two ways.
Hi Richard
Very Very good example indeed, i know quit a lot about javascript, but still i learnt so much, especially foreach, delete property good
Keep going on..
Hey kudos to the nice article. Thank you very much. Really refresh javascript
Hey Richard!
First off, great stuff. I’m really enjoying your tutorials.
I was wondering about the following. You mentioned that using the constructor pattern for creating objects, you can easily make changes ones which permeate everywhere: “If you had to change the fruitName function, you only had to do it in one location. The pattern encapsulates all the functionalities and characteristics of all the fruits in by making just the single Fruit function with inheritance.”
How would I do that? Let’s say I created a couple of fruits with the Fruit() constructors and now I want them all to have a different showName() method. How would I accomplish that?
Thanks a lot!
A typo: In the section that reads ” it never stored an actual copy of it’s own value”, should be ” it never stored an actual copy of its own value”.
Sorry, I like your posts. I go ADD when I see “it’s” when it should be “its”, I stop reading and wonder why that happens and if the code might have a typo as well.
Man the guys got gypped that Christmas.. unless Mike got Professional JavaScript for Developers ofcourse.
why there is need for creating copy of built in object,
ex:- var now = new Date();
why we can not use Date() object directly.,
Really It’s a great post. You deserve (y). I have many confusions before reading this.
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Great post! Under “Deleting Properties of an Object,” you’ve written.. “nor can you delete properties with their attributes set to configurable.”
That should be “non-configurable” or configurable set to false right?
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I’ve been following through your advanced web developers track, and it’s been great so far, but I’ve hit a wall on objects. I don’t understand getters and setters (and accessor/data properties in general), which you don’t seem to mention, but chapter 6 does in detail.
What is the value of using a ‘value’ accessor property over simply assigning a value to an attribute normally?
Also, what purpose do get and set fill? Get runs a function when that property is accessed (in the example, “year”), and set runs a function when that property is written to? Am I understanding correctly? I still feel shaky on objects in general, but I feel like I have a foundation to work on. I don’t feel remotely that way about these properties.
If I understand correctly, get lays out the behavior for what the defined property should do when it’s called. In the case of the example in the book, on page 177, that is simply to return the same value that _year holds. (But why not just define year to begin with and skip the _year assignment? What do we gain from that?)
Set, on the other hand, lays out the behavior for what year should do when it’s written to. In the case of this example, it updates its own value (and _year) as well as updating the edition accordingly.
Am I on the right track? I’m still fuzzy on the real-world utility of Object.defineProperty().
Apologies to deluge with comments. I’m just questioning the real world utility of defineProperty(). For example, doesn’t this code snippet accomplish the same thing as the example on page 177, without using this property? It just seems like needless complication.
var bookTest = {
year: 2004,
edition: 1,
updateEdition: function(newYear) {
if (newYear > 2004) {
this.year = newYear;
this.edition += newYear – 2004;
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I found the use of functions together with “new” keyword interesting. Maybe you should a a bit explaining how/why this works in JS.
Very good post. Written 2 years ago but still fresh.
In the “Constructor pattern for objects” section, there needs to be a semi-colon at the end of the braces
this.showName = function () {
console.log(“This is a ” + this.fruitName);
this.nativeTo = function () {
this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
Google Chrome’s console throws an ILLEGAL token exception without the semicolon.
Thank you for the explanation. It helped me a lot.
Hi, I really love your posts, I need to say that I love to follow you, but I have one question. I saw that you recommend several books, like “JavaScript.The Definitive Guide” or Professional JavaScript for Web Developers” ….so I took the decision to stard reading one of these, but I must choose only one, not both because there is no time for both, so why would you think is better?
sorry, I`ve made a mistake at the end:
…. so, WHAT(not why) would you think is better?
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Could you tell what is the diffrence between using: (or method) in the constructor and : (or method).
I will be very happy if you find time and explain me that 🙂
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Great inline explanation of are shakespeare of programming.!!! Great Post .
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Really Good
I read all the article and comments and I;m still little confused about this.
You write:
“In the last example, note the educationLevel property that was defined on the HigherLearning function is listed as one of the school’s properties, even though educationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited.”
and near below you write:
“console.log(school.hasOwnProperty(“educationLevel”)); true
// educationLevel is an own property on school, so we can delete it”
I saw the note where you add that the educationLevel property is not actually inherited by objects that use the HigherLearning constructor, so I think I get it.
But this text is confusing “educationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited” and below ” educationLevel is an own property on school, so we can delete it”
And the second ..
Please explain me this, because I think I don’t understand this the way I should.
“Properties inherited from Object.prototype are not enumerable, so the for/in loop does not show them”
So why the for in loop below show me print function and author property ?
function PrintStuff (myDocuments) {
this.documents = myDocuments;
PrintStuff.prototype.print = function () {
} = “Stephen King”;
var newObj = new PrintStuff();
for (x in newObj) {
//documents, print, author.
“Properties inherited from Object.prototype are not enumerable, so the for/in loop does not show them”. Then you give example “”. This does not inherit from Object.prototype. It inherits from PrintStuff.prototype.
In the last example, note the educationLevel property that was defined on the HigherLearning function is listed as one of the school’s properties, even though educationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited.
console.log(school.hasOwnProperty(“educationLevel”)); true
// educationLevel is an own property on school, so we can delete it
delete school.educationLevel; true
In the first condition you said that educationLevel is not the own property of school it’s inherited. In second instance while deleting you said it has own property..Little bit confused.
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I have two questions regarding delete.
First You cannot delete if property of object is set to Configurable. In the post you said the three attributes i.e configurable, enumerable and writable are set to true by default. If yes then how can you delete properties of any objects without setting configurable to false. which I don’t see in any of your examples
Second You said properties of any object with var keyword cannot be deleted while you have the same in the following example. What is correct or what am I missing ? Kindly Explain?
I have two questions regarding delete.
First You cannot delete if property of object is set to Configurable. In the post you said the three attributes i.e configurable, enumerable and writable are set to true by default. If yes then how can you delete properties of any objects without setting configurable to false. which I don’t see in any of your examples
Second You said properties of any object with var keyword cannot be deleted while you have the same in the following example. What is correct or what am I missing ? Kindly Explain
Thank you 🙂
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Just came across this article. It’s a great resource for learning JS Objects
You said that “ducationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited”.
And you said that “you cannot delete properties that were inherited”.
So I am confused why that:
console.log(school.hasOwnProperty(“educationLevel”)); true
// educationLevel is an own property on school, so we can delete it
delete school.educationLevel; true
You said that “educationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited”.
And you said that “you cannot delete properties that were inherited”.
So I am confused why that:
console.log(school.hasOwnProperty(“educationLevel”)); true
// educationLevel is an own property on school, so we can delete it
delete school.educationLevel; true
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TL;DR The second time the name property is set, the obj variable points to another -the newly created- object than the first time, which dies after the function execution finishes.
Within the `setName’ function, let’s focus on the line:
obj = new Object();
Here a new object is created and the obj variable is reassigned to point to it. When the name property is set on the line following, it is thus set on that object. Once the function finishes execution, because of its scope this object dies. Back in the global scope, the person variable points to the original object again, which had its name property set to’Nicholas’.
Hello Richard, great explanation even a 6 year old can understand easily.
kindly write a article regarding mongoose explanation as it is frequently used in node js and regular expressions if possible.
thanks , you are my mentor 🙂
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// Prints false because we did not define a schoolType property on the school object, and neither did the object inherit a schoolType property from its prototype object Object.prototype.
console.log(“schoolType” in school); // false
Can you elaborate when you referring to “neither did the object inherit schoolType ……from its prototype object” What is object Object.prototype. Where do we find this in the example
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nice post!! good to know the basics
So you make me clear with javascript object
thank you so much.
Your JSON.stringfy example has an error that say it will print:
// “{“mike”:”Book”,”jason”:”sweater”,”chels”:”iPad”}”
The “chels” should be “chelsea”. Just thought it will help.
What can I say, you just explained the topic better than Nicholas C, Zakas
I am beginner to javascript. may i know from which post should i start to learn full JS.
which is the best way to learn full JS and also please suggest me the study material
Great tutorial , this really helped me clear my basics of object finally .
Thanks a ton !!!!
It is good article sir, but there is correction in first example that native place of “Mango” is India…not an America, the scientific word of mango is “Mangifera indica”. Do search on mango on internet you will find:
“The common mango species, or Mangifera indica, grows on the largest fruit tree in the world. Mango trees are native to northeast India, where Hindu writings about mangoes date back to 4000 B.C. Mangoes were domesticated in India, and spread to East Asia around 400 B.C. By the 10th century, mangoes were cultivated in East Africa, followed by the Philippines in the 15th century. Portuguese traders brought mango seeds along their route, spreading the trees to their African and Brazilian colonies in the 16th century.”
kindlly, update your example sir.
I have little confusion in accessing the property in the object basically through bracket notation without quotes ” ”
//Or, in case you have the property name in a variable:
var bookTitle = “title”;
console.log ( book[bookTitle]); // Ways to Go
console.log (book[“bookMark” + 1]); // Page 20
In this how can we create a ” var bookTitle = “title”; ” inside a constructor functions so that we can access the property/variable without using notation like this book[bookTitle]
Sorry if my question is too basic 🙂 However im a starter right now in javascript 🙂
Good one .. ease to learn
Very nice post in not so comlex term.
Thank for posting it.
Iam sorry SIr, I’ve changed the code a little bit:
I wrote:
this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
instead of
this.nativeTo = function () {
this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
then it returned: this.nativeToLand is not defined. Why did it happens
Iam sorry SIr, I’ve changed the code a little bit:
I wrote:
this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
instead of
this.nativeTo = function () {
this.nativeToLand.forEach(function (eachCountry) {
console.log(“Grown in:” + eachCountry);
then it returned: this.nativeToLand is not defined. Why did it happen
Oops, i’ve made a mistake. I reviewed my code again and found that. Sorry for that. Anyway, your blog is awesome and help me a lot. Thank u!
Nice post about object and very helpfully .thanks for building my concept.
An example I tried to see if it deletes inherited properties
var Person = function(name){ = name;}
var john = new Person(“John”);
Person.prototype.race = “Human”;
console.log(john); // shows {name: “John”}
john.hasOwnProperty(“race”); // shows false
john.race // shows “Human”
delete john.race // shows true
john.race // shows “Human”
What is the difference between object property and object attribute ?
Your articles are great, if you can then plz include summary sections at the end, some bullet points for quick referencing. I often find myself having to read the entire article again.
“nor can you delete properties with their attributes set to configurable” —–> should be changed to:
” “nor can you delete properties with their attributes set to NON – configurable”
I know you don’t update it any longer (which is REALLY sad…), but the page is a really helpful and I hope you will change this so other people won’t get confused.
Hi great article!
I have a comment on the following example:
function HigherLearning () {
this.educationLevel = “University”;
// Implement inheritance with the HigherLearning constructor
var school = new HigherLearning ();
school.schoolName = “MIT”;
school.schoolAccredited = true;
school.schoolLocation = “Massachusetts”;
//Use of the for/in loop to access the properties in the school object
for (var eachItem in school) {
console.log(eachItem); // Prints educationLevel, schoolName, schoolAccredited, and schoolLocation
In the last example, note the educationLevel property that was defined on the HigherLearning function is listed as one of the school’s properties, even though educationLevel is not an own property—it was inherited.
My question:
Are you sure “educationLevel property” is not an own property?
I think it would not be an own property if it was defined on HigherLearning.prototype, e.g HigherLearning.prototype.educationLevel.
But in this case I believe it is an own property.
You can use to test it yourself.
for (prop in school) {
if (school.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
console.log(“prop: ” + prop)
I am looking forward to your reply
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Below is bad example even if string were reference type still anotherPerson would have Kobe, please correct
// The primitive data type String is stored as a value
var person = “Kobe”;
var anotherPerson = person; // anotherPerson = the value of person
person = “Bryant”; // value of person changed
console.log(anotherPerson); // Kobe
console.log(person); // Bryant
Also when showing two ways to create objects using constructor function and prototypes you don’t highlight what are differences with these approaches, when there are, e.g. prototype stuff is shared
I like your post
Very helpful and well-written post, thank you!
Really good work sir. Its really helpful. Thanks!
Thank you !!
Hey Author,
i want to know the reason for this.
// The primitive data type String is stored as a value
var person = “Kobe”;
var anotherPerson = person; // anotherPerson = the value of person
person = “Bryant”; // value of person changed
console.log(anotherPerson); // Kobe
console.log(person); // Bryant
It is worth noting that even though we changed person to “Bryant,” the anotherPerson variable still retains the value that person had.
Really good stuff. All you are articles are well drafted , easy to understand and explained in details.
Truly Appreciated!!
Thank you. Been looking for a Magic Javascript Demystifier for centuries, and I finally found it.
Very good post, but I have a question: Is Null really a type ?
typeof null = object
Can I have an example where it is clearly shown that Null is a type ?
Reference Error: “Accessing a property on an object that does not exist will result in undefined.” If the object does not access, this will throw an error “Cannot access property of undefined”. That wording in your sentence is totally ambigous.
Reference Error: “Accessing a property on an object that does not exist will result in undefined.” If the object does not exist, this will throw an error “Cannot access property of undefined”. That wording in your sentence is totally ambigous.
You just mentioned “Also, you cannot delete properties of the global object, which were declared with the var keyword.”
And then in example a property inside a var keyword variable was deleted. Does the above statement hold good?
Object Data Properties Have Attributes
Each data property (object property that store data) has not only the name-value pair, but also 3 attributes (the three attributes are set to true by default):
— Configurable Attribute: Specifies whether the property can be deleted or changed.
— Enumerable: Specifies whether the property can be returned in a for/in loop.
— Writable: Specifies whether the property can be changed.
Aren’t these set to “false” by default ?
Ok, i got it wrong i guess.
They are true by default when you use the usual syntax, and false by default when you use Object.defineProperty
function HigherLearning () {
this.educationLevel = “University”;
// Implement inheritance with the HigherLearning constructor
var school = new HigherLearning ();
school.schoolName = “MIT”;
school.schoolAccredited = true;
school.schoolLocation = “Massachusetts”;
//Use of the for/in loop to access the properties in the school object
for (var eachItem in school) {
console.log(eachItem); // Prints educationLevel, schoolName, schoolAccredited, and schoolLocation
Here educationLevel is not inherited property, it belongs to the class own property as it is created using constructor. So, please correct the statement.
function PersonP() {
PersonP.prototype.firstName = “John”;
PersonP.prototype.lastName = “Edward”;
PersonP.prototype.languages = [“eng”,”french”,”spanish”];
PersonP.prototype.canSpeak = function(){
this.languages.forEach((data) => console.log(data) );
var emp = new PersonP()
emp.age = 28;
console.log(“age” in emp); // returns true
console.log(“firstName” in emp); // It is also returning true, should not it be false