(Learn JavaScript Higher-order Functions, aka Callback Functions)
In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects; that is, functions are of the type Object and they can be used in a first-class manner like any other object (String, Array, Number, etc.) since they are in fact objects themselves. They can be “stored in variables, passed as arguments to functions, created within functions, and returned from functions”1.
Table of Contents
Because functions are first-class objects, we can pass a function as an argument in another function and later execute that passed-in function or even return it to be executed later. This is the essence of using callback functions in JavaScript. In the rest of this article we will learn everything about JavaScript callback functions. Callback functions are probably the most widely used functional programming technique in JavaScript, and you can find them in just about every piece of JavaScript and jQuery code, yet they remain mysterious to many JavaScript developers. The mystery will be no more, by the time you finish reading this article.
Callback functions are derived from a programming paradigm known as functional programming. At a fundamental level, functional programming specifies the use of functions as arguments. Functional programming was—and still is, though to a much lesser extent today—seen as an esoteric technique of specially trained, master programmers.
Fortunately, the techniques of functional programming have been elucidated so that mere mortals like you and me can understand and use them with ease. One of the chief techniques in functional programming happens to be callback functions. As you will read shortly, implementing callback functions is as easy as passing regular variables as arguments. This technique is so simple that I wonder why it is mostly covered in advanced JavaScript topics.
What is a Callback or Higher-order Function?
A callback function, also known as a higher-order function, is a function that is passed to another function (let’s call this other function “otherFunction”) as a parameter, and the callback function is called (or executed) inside the otherFunction. A callback function is essentially a pattern (an established solution to a common problem), and therefore, the use of a callback function is also known as a callback pattern.
Consider this common use of a callback function in jQuery:
//Note that the item in the click method's parameter is a function, not a variable.
//The item is a callback function
$("#btn_1").click(function() {
alert("Btn 1 Clicked");
As you see in the preceding example, we pass a function as a parameter to the click method. And the click method will call (or execute) the callback function we passed to it. This example illustrates a typical use of callback functions in JavaScript, and one widely used in jQuery.
Ruminate on this other classic example of callback functions in basic JavaScript:
var friends = ["Mike", "Stacy", "Andy", "Rick"];
friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick
Again, note the way we pass an anonymous function (a function without a name) to the forEach method as a parameter.
So far we have passed anonymous functions as a parameter to other functions or methods. Lets now understand how callbacks work before we look at more concrete examples and start making our own callback functions.
How Callback Functions Work?
We can pass functions around like variables and return them in functions and use them in other functions. When we pass a callback function as an argument to another function, we are only passing the function definition. We are not executing the function in the parameter. In other words, we aren’t passing the function with the trailing pair of executing parenthesis () like we do when we are executing a function.
And since the containing function has the callback function in its parameter as a function definition, it can execute the callback anytime.
Note that the callback function is not executed immediately. It is “called back” (hence the name) at some specified point inside the containing function’s body. So, even though the first jQuery example looked like this:
//The anonymous function is not being executed there in the parameter.
//The item is a callback function
$("#btn_1").click(function() {
alert("Btn 1 Clicked");
the anonymous function will be called later inside the function body. Even without a name, it can still be accessed later via the arguments object by the containing function.
Callback Functions Are Closures
When we pass a callback function as an argument to another function, the callback is executed at some point inside the containing function’s body just as if the callback were defined in the containing function. This means the callback is a closure. Read my post, Understand JavaScript Closures With Ease for more on closures. As we know, closures have access to the containing function’s scope, so the callback function can access the containing functions’ variables, and even the variables from the global scope.
Basic Principles when Implementing Callback Functions
While uncomplicated, callback functions have a few noteworthy principles we should be familiar with when implementing them.
Use Named OR Anonymous Functions as Callbacks
In the earlier jQuery and forEach examples, we used anonymous functions that were defined in the parameter of the containing function. That is one of the common patterns for using callback functions. Another popular pattern is to declare a named function and pass the name of that function to the parameter. Consider this:
// global variable
var allUserData = [];
// generic logStuff function that prints to console
function logStuff (userData) {
if ( typeof userData === "string")
else if ( typeof userData === "object")
for (var item in userData) {
console.log(item + ": " + userData[item]);
// A function that takes two parameters, the last one a callback function
function getInput (options, callback) {
allUserData.push (options);
callback (options);
// When we call the getInput function, we pass logStuff as a parameter.
// So logStuff will be the function that will called back (or executed) inside the getInput function
getInput ({name:"Rich", speciality:"JavaScript"}, logStuff);
// name: Rich
// speciality: JavaScript
Pass Parameters to Callback Functions
Since the callback function is just a normal function when it is executed, we can pass parameters to it. We can pass any of the containing function’s properties (or global properties) as parameters to the callback function. In the preceding example, we pass options as a parameter to the callback function. Let’s pass a global variable and a local variable:
//Global variable
var generalLastName = "Clinton";
function getInput (options, callback) {
allUserData.push (options);
// Pass the global variable generalLastName to the callback function
callback (generalLastName, options);
Make Sure Callback is a Function Before Executing It
It is always wise to check that the callback function passed in the parameter is indeed a function before calling it. Also, it is good practice to make the callback function optional.
Let’s refactor the getInput function from the previous example to ensure these checks are in place.
function getInput(options, callback) {
// Make sure the callback is a function
if (typeof callback === "function") {
// Call it, since we have confirmed it is callable
Without the check in place, if the getInput function is called either without the callback function as a parameter or in place of a function a non-function is passed, our code will result in a runtime error.
Problem When Using Methods With The this Object as Callbacks
When the callback function is a method that uses the this object, we have to modify how we execute the callback function to preserve the this object context. Or else the this object will either point to the global window object (in the browser), if callback was passed to a global function. Or it will point to the object of the containing method.
Let’s explore this in code:
// Define an object with some properties and a method
// We will later pass the method as a callback function to another function
var clientData = {
id: 094545,
fullName: "Not Set",
// setUserName is a method on the clientData object
setUserName: function (firstName, lastName) {
// this refers to the fullName property in this object
this.fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback) {
// Do other stuff to validate firstName/lastName here
// Now save the names
callback (firstName, lastName);
In the following code example, when clientData.setUserName is executed, this.fullName will not set the fullName property on the clientData object. Instead, it will set fullName on the window object, since getUserInput is a global function. This happens because the this object in the global function points to the window object.
getUserInput ("Barack", "Obama", clientData.setUserName);
console.log (clientData.fullName);// Not Set
// The fullName property was initialized on the window object
console.log (window.fullName); // Barack Obama
Use the Call or Apply Function To Preserve this
We can fix the preceding problem by using the Call or Apply function (we will discuss these in a full blog post later). For now, know that every function in JavaScript has two methods: Call and Apply. And these methods are used to set the this object inside the function and to pass arguments to the functions.
Call takes the value to be used as the this object inside the function as the first parameter, and the remaining arguments to be passed to the function are passed individually (separated by commas of course). The Apply function’s first parameter is also the value to be used as the this object inside the function, while the last parameter is an array of values (or the arguments object) to pass to the function.
This sounds complex, but lets see how easy it is to use Apply or Call. To fix the problem in the previous example, we will use the Apply function thus:
//Note that we have added an extra parameter for the callback object, called "callbackObj"
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback, callbackObj) {
// Do other stuff to validate name here
// The use of the Apply function below will set the this object to be callbackObj
callback.apply (callbackObj, [firstName, lastName]);
With the Apply function setting the this object correctly, we can now correctly execute the callback and have it set the fullName property correctly on the clientData object:
// We pass the clientData.setUserName method and the clientData object as parameters. The clientData object will be used by the Apply function to set the this object
getUserInput ("Barack", "Obama", clientData.setUserName, clientData);
// the fullName property on the clientData was correctly set
console.log (clientData.fullName); // Barack Obama
We would have also used the Call function, but in this case we used the Apply function.
Multiple Callback Functions Allowed
We can pass more than one callback functions into the parameter of a function, just like we can pass more than one variable. Here is a classic example with jQuery’s AJAX function:
function successCallback() {
// Do stuff before send
function successCallback() {
// Do stuff if success message received
function completeCallback() {
// Do stuff upon completion
function errorCallback() {
// Do stuff if error received
“Callback Hell” Problem And Solution
In asynchronous code execution, which is simply execution of code in any order, sometimes it is common to have numerous levels of callback functions to the extent that you have code that looks like the following. The messy code below is called callback hell because of the difficulty of following the code due to the many callbacks. I took this example from the node-mongodb-native, a MongoDB driver for Node.js. [2]. The example code below is just for demonstration:
var p_client = new Db('integration_tests_20', new Server("", 27017, {}), {'pk':CustomPKFactory});
p_client.open(function(err, p_client) {
p_client.dropDatabase(function(err, done) {
p_client.createCollection('test_custom_key', function(err, collection) {
collection.insert({'a':1}, function(err, docs) {
collection.find({'_id':new ObjectID("aaaaaaaaaaaa")}, function(err, cursor) {
cursor.toArray(function(err, items) {
test.assertEquals(1, items.length);
// Let's close the db
You are not likely to encounter this problem often in your code, but when you do—and you will from time to time—here are two solutions to this problem. [3]
- Name your functions and declare them and pass just the name of the function as the callback, instead of defining an anonymous function in the parameter of the main function.
- Modularity: Separate your code into modules, so you can export a section of code that does a particular job. Then you can import that module into your larger application.
Make Your Own Callback Functions
Now that you completely (I think you do; if not it is a quick reread :)) understand everything about JavaScript callback functions and you have seen that using callback functions are rather simple yet powerful, you should look at your own code for opportunities to use callback functions, for they will allow you to:
- Do not repeat code (DRY—Do Not Repeat Yourself)
- Implement better abstraction where you can have more generic functions that are versatile (can handle all sorts of functionalities)
- Have better maintainability
- Have more readable code
- Have more specialized functions.
It is rather easy to make your own callback functions. In the following example, I could have created one function to do all the work: retrieve the user data, create a generic poem with the data, and greet the user. This would have been a messy function with much if/else statements and, even still, it would have been very limited and incapable of carrying out other functionalities the application might need with the user data.
Instead, I left the implementation for added functionality up to the callback functions, so that the main function that retrieves the user data can perform virtually any task with the user data by simply passing the user’s full name and gender as parameters to the callback function and then executing the callback function.
In short, the getUserInput function is versatile: it can execute all sorts of callback functions with myriad of functionalities.
// First, setup the generic poem creator function; it will be the callback function in the getUserInput function below.
function genericPoemMaker(name, gender) {
console.log(name + " is finer than fine wine.");
console.log("Altruistic and noble for the modern time.");
console.log("Always admirably adorned with the latest style.");
console.log("A " + gender + " of unfortunate tragedies who still manages a perpetual smile");
//The callback, which is the last item in the parameter, will be our genericPoemMaker function we defined above.
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, gender, callback) {
var fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
// Make sure the callback is a function
if (typeof callback === "function") {
// Execute the callback function and pass the parameters to it
callback(fullName, gender);
Call the getUserInput function and pass the genericPoemMaker function as a callback:
getUserInput("Michael", "Fassbender", "Man", genericPoemMaker);
// Output
/* Michael Fassbender is finer than fine wine.
Altruistic and noble for the modern time.
Always admirably adorned with the latest style.
A Man of unfortunate tragedies who still manages a perpetual smile.
Because the getUserInput function is only handling the retrieving of data, we can pass any callback to it. For example, we can pass a greetUser function like this:
function greetUser(customerName, sex) {
var salutation = sex && sex === "Man" ? "Mr." : "Ms.";
console.log("Hello, " + salutation + " " + customerName);
// Pass the greetUser function as a callback to getUserInput
getUserInput("Bill", "Gates", "Man", greetUser);
// And this is the output
Hello, Mr. Bill Gates
We called the same getUserInput function as we did before, but this time it performed a completely different task.
As you see, callback functions afford much versatility. And even though the preceding example is relatively simple, imagine how much work you can save yourself and how well abstracted your code will be if you start using callback functions. Go for it. Do it in the monings; do it in the evenings; do it when you are down; do it when you are k
Note the following ways we frequently use callback functions in JavaScript, especially in modern web application development, in libraries, and in frameworks:
- For asynchronous execution (such as reading files, and making HTTP requests)
- In Event Listeners/Handlers
- In setTimeout and setInterval methods
- For Generalization: code conciseness
Final Words
JavaScript callback functions are wonderful and powerful to use and they provide great benefits to your web applications and code. You should use them when the need arises; look for ways to refactor your code for Abstraction, Maintainability, and Readability with callback functions.
See you next time, and remember to keep coming back because JavaScriptIsSexy.com has much to teach you and you have much to learn.
- http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?FirstClass
- https://github.com/mongodb/node-mongodb-native
- http://callbackhell.com/
- JavaScript Patterns
by Stoyan Stefanov (Sep 28, 2010)
Thank you or this I never took the time to learn callback functions.
You are welcome, Mike.
Thanks for this! Callbacks have always been a little confusing for me to understand but you have laid it out so simply. I especially love the last two examples that demonstrate how callbacks can be simple and still very powerful to abstract out the code. I’ve been reading your other posts and you are doing a great job of communicating topics like OOP, closures, prototypal inheritance, scope, etc. Not coming from a CS background and wanting to learn JS, these topics have been intimidating to understand and when I search for help on them the explanations are always too technical. I like how you use simple and concise examples like “Hello ” and “aFruit inherits from otherFruit”. So thank you very much and keep up the great work!
Thanks for the kind words, Kyle.
I am very happy to hear that my articles are helpful. And most importantly, I am glad the articles have helped you better understand some of JavaScript core concepts.
Keep learning and coding 🙂
Love this blog post! It was very helpful to me.
Great post! Thanks for writing it! I have a question regarding an example I read from the JavaScript: Definitive Guide.
One of their examples goes something like this:
function not(f) {
return function() {
var result = f.apply(this, arguments);
return !result;
My question is what does the “this” (first argument) refer to?
Thanks so much in advance! Great article and once again thank you for taking the time for teaching noobs like me.
The “this” you are inquiring about is referring to the window object, which is the global window object that all the code is defined on.
In the apply function, the first argument sets the use of the “this” keyword. So this line:
f.apply(this, arguments);
is saying: call the f function and use the window object as the this keyword inside the f function. Also, pass to the f function the arguments passed into the not function.
Here is a slight modification of the code that shows reveals the detail:
I am an experienced javascript developer and find your articles excellent as they cover much of the fine nuances and details of Javascript that are fundamental to its understanding and yet overlooked / ignored by so many (myself included)
Congratulations and keep up the good work (as i’ll be coming back regularly 🙂
Thanks very much, Mike.
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Thanks for writing this article.
Thanks 🙂
Thank you, TPS.
Very nice website, and your explanations are pretty clear. However I’m sorry to inform you, what you are talking about are not true Callbacks. These are essentially call forwards, ie. telling one routine the name (or in C the pointer) to another routine to call. A true Callback is an asynchronous device used to tell the compiler where to route the response back to the requesting program. In fact a true Callback is never explicitly called by the programmer, the compiler will actually engineer the connection.
Depending on your perspective, you could argue that the event function is an actual Callback routine since in reality, those routines are registered with the OS as event handler functions that need to be responded to by the OS Event Handler and thus the function is called in the event of that Event occurring.
In the event that you don’t understand my description of Event Handling, try Googling “Event Handler”. In any event, have a nice day!
Something seems to be wrong about the callbacks section.
In the example you modify the function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback).
That’s all nice, but most of the time I write the callback function, and not the function which I pass the callback to.
So if I have a callback function, how do I preserve its this object? I’m not sure I can.
I discussed this in the article. Read the section, “Problem When Using Methods With The ‘this’ Object as Callbacks.”
Good series so far. Helps me review some of these core JS concepts in a straightforward, plain English manner. Makes me more comfortable with the concepts, so I appreciate your writing style. That being said, question about this bit of text:
“We would have used the Call function if we only needed to pass a single parameter to the callback function, but since we needed to pass firstName and lastName, we used the Apply function. This is the only difference between Call and Apply.”
This seems to imply that using Call was not an option when in fact you could have used “callback.call (callbackObj, firstName, lastName);” in place of “callback.apply (callbackObj, [firstName, lastName]);”. If you meant that your choice to use Apply was just a preference rather than the only option, do you mind clarifying that in the article for your readers? In any case, thanks for the short and intuitive articles.
You are absolutely correct: I have modified the sentence to make it more correct and precise.
We could have used either the Call or Apply methods.
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Hi, you are doing an amazing job! I learn a lot from your posts. Is it possible to writing an Execution Context and Scope topic post using graphics to illustrate? Like this post style http://howtonode.org/object-graphs. As for as I know, I t will be easier to understand something by graphs. Thanks a lot.
Why not. I will give it go. I am not sure when I will write about Execution Context, but I have written about JavaScript Scope here:
thanks a lot, it it is very clear and it helped me a lot!
i an working on indexedDB and jaydata,
i want to return number of records in table “LogFile”
function checkLogFile()
var length;
offlinedb.LogFile.toArray(function (documents) { length=documents.length; console.log(length); // here show 3 which is right
return length; // cant access length , shows 0
how it cab be done ?
Which JavaScript library are you using for the “toArray” method? It is not a native JavaScript method. I am curious. And post the full example code.
BTW, using “length” as a variable name is not a good idea.
This was really helpful,clearly explained and Simply Awesome.
Thank you Rich
Lovely! I am very happy to hear that the article was clear to understand. You are welcome, and good luck.
Thank you for an amazing place that holds bunch of articles which are very, very easy to follow and digest.
You are welcome, Vedran.
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Hi! Thanks for nice post. This is the first post from you blog I’ve read and I didn’t yet read other post (but have subscribed), maybe you plan to write posts about “Default settings” and “Pub-sub” patterns (if not yet), I’m personally very interesting in )
Yes, I do plan to write about PubSub. I actually completed the PubSub post many weeks ago, but I have to spend a few hours formatting it and cleaning it up before I publish it.
What do you mean by “Default Settings”?
Very nice post… I have read many posts of your’s here and every time I gained a lot.
You are helping me in reaching to the next level.
Thanks a lot.
Great to hear, Gyan. Keep up the good work learning and be come a great JS developer one day.
Great write-up! +1 for your patience.
Well done Richard.
Excellent post.
Great post.
Thanks for sharing your mind.
Great post.
Question about formatting of the ternary operator in the code block of the last example:
function greetUser(customerName, sex) {
var salutation = sex && sex === “Man” ? “Mr.” : “Ms.”;
console.log(“Hello, ” + salutation + ” ” + customerName);
It’s working in my browser to simply write it as:
var salutation = sex === “Man” ? “Mr.” : “Ms.”;
Is that proper syntax?
Is this alternate correct?
var salutation;
sex === “Man” ? ( salutation = “Mr.”) : ( salutation = “Ms.”);
Thank you for the explanation. Much informative.
Thanks for this, you saved me hours of banging my head against a wall due to my ignorance. I’m a do-it-youself developer. I wish Google had put your site higher sooner!
Thank you, Dan. And I know What you mean about the Google search results.
Some of the articles on this blog are ranked very high on Google search results, while some others are not: That is Google’s algorithm at work. I am thankful that they send quite a bit of hits to the blog, though.
Thanks for this great post. Always dreaded callbacks when I saw them, now I am looking forward to actually creating and using them extensively.
Thanks Again
I am happy to help, Harsha. Enjoy coding.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful article, It helped me very much understanding callbak.
I am happy to hear that, Mahmoud.
thank you for the article, it helped to understand the callbacks and its pros &cons from your examples.
As far as I’m concerned these articles are the best way for learning javascript. This is my favourite javascript site 🙂
Keep it up with the good work!
You sir, know how to write a tut
Great article. Thanks you.
Thank you very much for this! I try to change some value in the example and it works~
Fantastic writeup! This concise article has really helped me understand how important callback functions are. I shall definitely be coming back here on a regular basis.
Hi all, I have a doubt about jquery function, I have my click function
$(‘#BtnBuscarb’).click(function (param) {
And I want to pass a parameter here $(“#BtnBuscarb”).trigger(“click”);
how i can pass my param in this call?
use an array after the event type.
.trigger( eventType [, extraParameters ] )
from http://api.jquery.com/trigger/
thanks so much for writing this! it’s an excellent article and has clarified callbacks significantly for me. i do have one very ‘stupid’ question. in the example that you gave (copied below), how does the the anonymous function know what the variables ‘eachName’ and ‘index’ refer to since they weren’t declared anywhere?
var friends = [“Mike”, “Stacy”, “Andy”, “Rick”];
friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + “. ” + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick
Hello Jason,
Each element and its index are passed to the callback function. These element and index are copied to the callback arguments(eachName and index).
It is a really great, short and worthy article……
Im searching for months….atlast you I found you
RICHARD it is really helpful for every javascript learner….
Im expecting many more javascript articles from you….
ALL 16 concepts are simply superb…thank you
In below code, how are “eachName” and “index” populated?
var friends = [“Mike”, “Stacy”, “Andy”, “Rick”];
friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + “. ” + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick
“callback is invoked with three arguments:
– the element value
– the element index
– the array being traversed
You definitely got one more follower…page bookmarked.
function rocks(name) {
console.log(name + ” rocks and gives the best JS explainations!”);
function giveOpinion(firstName, lastName, callback) {
var fullName = firstName + ” ” + lastName;
if (typeof callback === “function”) {
giveOpinion(“Richard”, “Bovell”, rocks);
Thank you sir for the tutorial …
One of the excellent posts about callbacks
“As we know, closures have access to the containing function’s scope, so the callback function can access the containing functions variables”
This is not correct, callback function CAN’T access the containing function variables.
Hi Richard,
Am I missing something or in the section “Multiple Callback Functions Allowed” do you use the same function name to define two different “successCallback” callback functions?
Yep, looks he copy/pasted 4 times because he wanted to define a function for beforeSend too but then forgot to rename (and use) it
Great tutorial, thank you.
On question: what if I want to make a generic function that gets a callback function with unknown number of arguments that need to be passed to the callback function?
you can store all your unnumbered arguments in an array or object and pass that, in simple words use apply.
Was finding difficulty in understanding callbacks used in javascript and node.js . Many thanks for the awesome tutorial.
Thanks for your excellent article! I found it to be very helpful.
A couple of comments:
1. Srle is correct. In this case, the callback function can’t access the containing function’s variables. The callback function’s parent is the global object.
2. “Also, pass to the f function the arguments passed into the not function.”
In this case, the arguments parameter doesn’t refer to arguments passed to the not function. The arguments parameter refers to arguments passed to the returned function, i.e. news()
Thanks again for taking the time to post this information.
Thanks for your articles, i have one pretty simple and silly question though.
Most of the time when i call a function from a function, i just don’t pass the calling function as parameter to the main or containing function. Does that mean i am using callback ?
this is why i get new knowledge ..awesome…
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It’s very perfect article!
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Your explanations are so concise and clear. Keep up the good work! I like the your list for reasons of using callbacks. I had known of callbacks and how to use them but not many articles explained any of the reasons for using them.
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Excellent write-up on Callback functions. Thanks a lot for enlightening the people around with this important stuff in Javascrupt.
I am also web developer and now coding in asp.net mvc4.Today I have complete your articles on Callback and closure both article is very descriptive and today I can say that yes I have the knowledge about closure and callback.Great works by you.Thanks a lot to write such article.
Thanks for the post, but I’m having trouble with the concept.
in the code:
//Note that the item in the click method’s parameter is a function, not a variable.
//The item is a callback function
$(“#btn_1”).click(function() {
alert(“Btn 1 Clicked”);
is the callback function “alert(“Btm 1 Clicked”)’ and outer function the “function() {…}” or is the callback function the “function(){…} and the outer function something else [perhaps a method of the window object]?
Pingback: JavaScript: Creating a function with a callback - csskarma
I found this explanation very clear and helpful. It helped me to get my head around it. As a result, I have produced some code that helps me understand it and should like to share it.
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very helpful article…i always used callback function but actual concept and it’s working understood from your article only:)thanx again:)
Pingback: Fun with Callbacks | Layers of Curiosity
Awesome tutorial. You guys have some of the best JavaScript tutorials out there.
Your posts are just great! Thanks for sharing them!
Just a quick note to those with “Callback Hell”, otherwise known as the “Pyramid of Doom”. You may want to check out another approach which has become popular. Promises: with the Q library, jQuery has also implemented this, and AngularJS with $q. Instead of callback after callback after callback, the function returns a promise and what is returned from the asynchronous function is passed the promise then() or catch() function if a problem arises. The syntax is kinda like this:
call1(function(first_callback) {
// do something
return Q.resolve(some_object);
}).then(function(some_object) {
// do something with some_object
}).catch(function(error) {
// there was an error do something
You can essentially chain callbacks in a fashion that marches down rather than to the right. I find it immensely helpful even without large chains.
This is a great blog post, I found it to be very useful
I would really like to understand how the parameters in the callback are working in the example you mentioned “eachName, index” these haven’t been specified in a function call but yet the get the values of the array?
var friends = [“Mike”, “Stacy”, “Andy”, “Rick”];
friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + “. ” + eachName);
I would normally expect parameters of a function to be specified in a function call
function add ( x, y) {
console.log ( x + y );
add( 2 , 3 );
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Pingback: Understand JavaScript Callback Functions and Use Them | Dinesh Ram Kali.
Thank you
As you mentioned in above ..
Callback Functions Are Closures
As we know, closures have access to the containing function’s scope, so the callback function can access the containing functions’ variables, and even the variables from the global scope.
But it’s showing error in following code
function fun(firstParam,callback){
var funVariable = 10;
function myfun() {
console.log(“firstParam value : “+ firstParam);
console.log(“funVariable value : “+funVariable);
// error — firstParam is not defined
// error — funVariable is not defined
if function scope variable can access in callback function then it should work.
Help me to get out from this problem
This post was really helpful to me…Thanks a lot !!!
Why is var allUserData = []; important in these examples?
Well written, thanks. Turns out I have been using call back for ages without really understanding what they did.
Such a wonderful informative and helping article made me able to use Callback functions and do modifications.Before reading it I was just looking at the word “callback” in Javascript and could’nt work on it.
Well written post, helpful to us. Thank you !!!
Thorough explanation..Very helpful article 🙂
Thanks for this brilliant post.
In the example you gave, I am curious to know how the anonymous function gets called by the arguments object of the containing function.
$(“#btn_1”).click(function() {
alert(“Btn 1 Clicked”);
What those ^^^ guys said. I have been struggling with callbacks for ages (too long). Now I get it.
Thank you very much for so detailed information on callback functions.
Great Job in explaining callback functions essentials in simple and transparent way!
Thank you, at last I found an article that covered completely the UNDER THE HOOD aspect, now i can say i understand the theory about callback functions and most importantly how to implement them.
Your definition of a callback is such that a callback is synonymous with a higher-order function. Are you sure?
From wikipedia:
In mathematics and computer science, a higher-order function (also functional form, functional or functor) is a function that does at least one of the following:
1. takes one or more functions as an input
2. outputs a function
This has nothing to do with said function being taken as parameter to another function. This confuses me a bit and I’d appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!
Pingback: JavaScript Callback | J.-H. Kwon
That threw me off too.
Haverbeke defines a higher order function as:
“Functions that operate on other functions, either by taking them as arguments or by returning them, are called higher-order functions”
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That’s wonderful explanation. I was too much struggling to understand the code with callbacks and closure. Now I got some idea of how the flow works.
Thanks !!
you say that: “it will set fullName on the window object, since getUserInput is a global function”. Ok,
but in the following example I have two local functions (as far as I know they are local) getUserInput2 and getUserInput1, and the result is the same:
function Test() {
this.clientData = {
fullName: “Not Set”,
setUserName: function (firstName, lastName) {
this.fullName = firstName + ” ” + lastName;
getUserInput2: function (firstName, lastName, callback) {
callback(firstName, lastName);
this.getUserInput1 = function (firstName, lastName, callback) {
callback(firstName, lastName);
var test = new Test();
var userInput = new test.getUserInput1(“Barack1”, “Obama1”, test.clientData.setUserName);
console.log(‘test.clientData.fullName : ‘ + test.clientData.fullName); // Not Set
console.log(‘window.fullName : ‘ + window.fullName); // Barack1 Obama1
test.clientData.getUserInput2(“Barack2”, “Obama2”, test.clientData.setUserName);
console.log(‘test.clientData.fullName : ‘ + test.clientData.fullName); // Not Set
console.log(‘window.fullName : ‘ + window.fullName); // Barack2 Obama2
Could you please explain why these functions produce the same result since they are not global functions?
Nice post! Thank you!
This was brillient post. I was afraid of *callback function* before reading this blog. thanks a lot.
Hello!, thank you very much for this great explanation! I read all the nested articles as well. great way of explaining everything. Cheers!
This was fantastic! This is a tough concept to grasp for a programming noob like myself.
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Hello Richard. Can you explain why is the var allUserData = []; and the allUserData.push(options); are important? Thank you very much.
Pingback: Understand JavaScript Callback Functions and Use Them | Sai
Hi Richard Of Stanley,
“(Learn JavaScript Higher-order Functions, aka Callback Functions)”
“A callback function, also known as a higher-order function, is a function that is passed to another function (let’s call this other function “otherFunction”) ”
Actually, the enclosing function, what you are calling otherFuntion, is the higher order function. The callback function is never called higher order. Check it yourself.
Thanks for writing this, It’s really going to help with all those nested ajax callbacks!
I feel like I can actually write a few normal functions now and get some re-usability in my javascript!
This is solid gold, Richard. I’m new to JavaScript and you explained this so well that even noobs like me could grasp it. I’m so glad you included the ‘Use the Call or Apply Function To Preserve this’ section too. That would have for sure messed me up somewhere down the road and it would’ve taken me forever to figure out why the callbacks weren’t working.
Great article, solid explanation. Thanks!
Great explanation ! Understand callback nicely!
One of the best articles about callbacks, congratulations. Thanks a lot.
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I just gone through the example :- you have not defined any function with name “callback(options);” any where in your example.
is “callback” is a keyword ??
I just gone through the example :- you have not defined any function with name “callback(options);” any where in your example.
is “callback” is a keyword ??
I just gone through the example :- you have not defined any function with name “callback(options);” any where in your example.
is “callback” is a keyword ?? Could you please answer my question
Great explanation,
Very very thanks for explanation in a very simple way.
Great explanation. I don’t think a concept can be explained more simpler. Thanks
Pingback: JS- Callback | anxtech
Thanks for the detailed explanation and helpful examples. Very helpful.
a quite valuable article!
you make it more complex it for me to understand the complex. don’t write those if you didn’t understand the concept. you have google some articles and try to make it as your own one.
why you didn’t explain this.
riends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + “. ” + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick
this is much better then this shit.
you make it more hard for me to understand the logic behind this. don’t write those if you didn’t understand the concept. you have google some articles and try to make it as your own one.
why you didn’t explain this.
var friends = [“Mike”, “Stacy”, “Andy”, “Rick”];
friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + “. ” + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick
below article is much better then this shit.
Hi There,
I just wanted to tell you that “You just made my day today!” Believe me you made my day, today!
I am Java developer and all of a sudden are project requires Javascript knowledge. My JS skills are near zero.
Found JS very hard to learn and understand. Now, i am on the 5th tutorial and enjoying what i am reading/learning from you Awesome explanations. You are direct to the point and easy to understand. Please
keep the great going..
Thanks again,
Pingback: 理解与使用Javascript中的回调函数 | Cmgine
Great explanation ! Understand callback easily
In the example callback function is not defined but its used. i am not able to find the callback() function code. am i missing anything?
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Hello Richard,
Its really wonderful article. I have a question.
How can I assign a value from a call back function to a variable in the global scope?
The following code is DrupalGap, but no one answering there.
function my_first_module_menu_page() {
var content = {};
var user_count;
success: function(result) {
user_count = result[0];
console.log(‘There are ‘ + user_count + ‘ registered user(s)!’); // Works here
// variable user_count is not accessable here(undefined)
content[‘my_intro_text’] = {
markup: ‘User Count :’ + user_count + ”
return content;
function my_first_module_get_user_count(options) {
try {
options.method = ‘GET’;
options.path = ‘my_first_module_resources.json’;
options.service = ‘my_first_module’;
options.resource = ‘get_user_count’;
catch (error) { console.log(‘my_first_module_get_user_count – ‘ + error); }
When I call my_first_module_menu_page(), I want to set the variable ‘user_count’ with the result from the my_first_module_get_user_count().
SOF link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33917091/how-to-access-the-value-outside-the-function-in-drupalgap
Great Post!
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Thank you for great explanation Richard Bovell.
Hello Richard!
Thank you so much for what you have been teaching us. I have read a couple of your articles and I find them extremely helpful. Your explanation is very clear and easy to understand. WOW I’m glad I have found this site. This encourages me to hold on to Javascript. Someone told me to give up. He told me “your code is so bad, so unclear and duplicated, you shouldn’t be doing this”. I was sad and depressed and then I came to realize I have to prove him that he’s so dead wrong about me. I can write clean, maintainable and sexy code. I would be a excellent front-end dev.
Thank you again I wish you best of luck…
Hi, in your tutorial “JavaScript Objects in Detail” you have shown an example where mango as native of Central America. It is not. Its a native of (also national fruit) of INDIA. Also the name “mango” comes from an Indian language. This needs to be corrected.
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Thanks man!
Hi Bro, It was awesome tutorial for beginners, Thanks For this. 🙂
Pingback: Solving callback pyramid with generators | Leslie -- Updates every Thursday
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I noticed you used the phrase: “imagine how much work you can save yourself and how well abstracted your code will be if you start using callback functions”
Just a heads up, abstracted means: “showing a lack of concentration on what is happening around one, oblivious, inattentive.” I think a better word may suffice unless the phrase is referencing something I am unaware of.
Neat and clear.
Thank you Richard!
I found it useful and it is very very good explanation of callback.
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My mind blow after this well redacted, structured and showed javascript language future.
Thanks so much 🙂
why is the apply not working in the below code:
function Test() {
this.clientData = {
fullName: “Not Set”,
setUserName: function (firstName, lastName) {
this.fullName = firstName + ” ” + lastName;
getUserInput2: function (firstName, lastName, callback) {
callback(firstName, lastName);
this.getUserInput1 = function (firstName, lastName, callback,obj) {
//callback(firstName, lastName);
var test = new Test();
var userInput = new test.getUserInput1(“Barack1”, “Obama1”, test.clientData.setUserName,Test.clientData);
console.log(‘test.clientData.fullName : ‘ + test.clientData.fullName); // Not Set
console.log(‘window.fullName : ‘ + window.fullName); // Barack1 Obama1
test.clientData.getUserInput2(“Barack2”, “Obama2”, test.clientData.setUserName);
console.log(‘test.clientData.fullName : ‘ + test.clientData.fullName); // Not Set
console.log(‘window.fullName : ‘ + window.fullName); // Barack2 Obama2
Great posts and a great site! However, I’m confused by this example. How is it that apply is a method of the parameter f? What am I missing?
Excellent post! Thanks!
Is callback function also a closure ?
Instead of passing the function definition as an argument and using it as callback, why can’t we directly call the function inside at last line like below.
var clientData = {
id: 094545,
fullName: “Not Set”,
setUserName: function (firstName, lastName)
this.fullName = firstName + ” ” + lastName;
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName, callback)
callback (firstName, lastName);
getUserInput (“Barack”, “Obama”, clientData.setUserName);
console.log (clientData.fullName);
console.log (window.fullName);
In the above example, instead of passing clientData.setUserName as parameter and getting it as callback in getUserInput, why can’t we directly use that function inside the getUserInput function like below
function getUserInput(firstName, lastName,)
Raj C
Great post. I have been using callbacks sporadically following examples from other sources, but I never really understood the theory and the power of callbacks. Thanks for the post
Why not just use .bind instead of apply or call?
That’s ‘distracted’ …
Great Post!!
Does Call back is somewhat related to late binding or virtual functions.
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Great post!!! Thank you very much.
Thanks you for a well written tutorial! It was easy to follow with examples to demonstrate the concept.
Amazing post, helps a lot.
Thanks for great lesson, finally i get new experience in my 2nd day decide deep learn about JS. 🙂
Nice article!
Perhaps it is more accurate to say that callback functions will create closures, only if the calling function’s variables are passed into the callback as arguments?
Awesome! Thanks a lot for the effort you’ve put into this free lesson, it explains everything in a very down-to-earth manner.
Also, I don’t know if you care to a fix a small mistake but you have two successCallback functions defined. Now I am not the teacher here so I might be wrong about it 🙂
Just wanted to mention this important note about the terms Callback functions and High order functions.
They are not the same. Callback functions are the ones that are passed to the ‘other’ functions and the ‘other’ functions that take the callback functions as arguments are the high order functions.
When I copy a paste your codes I get a text but encoded in Western (Windows 1252) instead of utf-8.
I hope be helpful.
I understand that this question is 2 years old, but since nobody has replied…
You need to familiarize yourself with basic function designing principles.
It will be true for every language including JS.
When you architecting a function it is entirely up to you how many parameters (if any at all) your function will take and how to name them. Function getInput is designed to accept 2 parameters. 1st one is “options”, 2nd one – “callback”. With the same success you could name it “arg1”, “arg2”, or “blabla1″,”blabla2”. So, callback is not a function name, is not a keyword. It is a parameter name used by the author for the sake of clarity. It is designed to accept callback function. And later, when getInput is called, function logStuff is used as a callback argument.
You explained callback functions very easy way
Thanks !
Thank you, a clear concise post and made the concept so very clear.
Fantastic guide. For perfection sake, found the following typos:
(1) So far we have passed anonymous functions as a parameter to other functions or methods. Lets now understand how callbacks work before we look at more concrete examples and start making our own callback functions.
“Lets” => “Let’s”
(2) This sounds complex, but lets see how easy it is to use Apply or Call. To fix the problem in the previous example, we will use the Apply function thus:
“Lets” => “Let’s”
(3) We can pass more than one callback functions into the parameter of a function, just like we can pass more than one variable. Here is a classic example with jQuery’s AJAX function:
“functions” => “function”
(4) $.ajax({
=> <<>>
(5) Have more specialized functions.
=> remove trailing dot
(6) // Make sure the callback is a function
if (typeof callback === “function”) {
// Execute the callback function and pass the parameters to it
callback(fullName, gender); <<>>
(7) Hello, Mr. Bill Gates <<>>
(8) Go for it. Do it in the monings;
“monings” => “mornings”
(9) do it when you are k <<>>
Pingback: D47: An Eloquent Callback – Melsar Codes
For your ‘Basic Principles when Implementing Callback Functions’ part of this guide, at this function :
function getInput (options, callback) {
allUserData.push (options);
callback (options);
why do you need the allUserData.push (options); line? I copy and paste your sample to my laptop and commenting that line, it still works perfectly..
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
ah God. This is so basic I’ll probably be justifiably ignored and shunned and marked as an outcast so that nobody else will help me either. My problem is that when I use the Firefox Developer tool ScratchPad to enter the code (I know it’s not meant as an excercise but I just wanted to):
var friends = [“Mike”, “Stacy”, “Andy”, “Rick”];
friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){
console.log(index + 1 + “. ” + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy, 4. Rick
…ScratchPad gives me no feedback, and there’s none in the Console window either. In the Console window there’s a lot of irrelevant & incomprehensible code that apparently originates from the client/server interaction of the the page I happen to be on, but nothing that looks like a result of anything I’m actually trying to run like the code above.
I know it’s something very trivial & basic, sorry.
Hi ,
The statement Callback Functions Are Closures is not true.if it is a closure in that case it will have scope of the outer function .but see this example so that you can understand.
function b(){
function a(b)
var call=”hello”;
in this b is not able to access the variable of “a” function so callbacks are not the closures.
Correct me if I am wrong. I found this, ”When we pass a callback function as an argument to another function, the callback is executed at some point inside the containing function’s body just as if the callback were defined in the containing function”, may not be true. When pass a callback function as argument to another function, even though the callback is invoked by the containing function, its enclosing scope isn’t really the containing function. It doesn’t act as if the callback were defined in the containing function.
“When we pass a callback function as an argument to another function, we are only passing the function definition”
Thanks for this post!
I’ve tried to implement the first example given.
For the moment I haven’t had much success…
All the callbacked calls seem not to work, while the direct calls do.
$(“#btn_1”).click(function() {
alert(“Btn 1 Clicked”);
Alert with callback, via jQuery (doesn’t work)
Direct alert (works)
alert object, to show no pb with jQuery
direct call to hide (works)
hide via callback (doesn’t work)
Text to hide
Thanks for this post!
I’ve tried to implement the first example given.
For the moment I haven’t had much success…
All the callbacked calls seem not to work, while the direct calls do.
Here’s a codepen to illustrate:
Thank you so much!!
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Nobody told me I would understand the use-case of apply/call here 🙂
Nicely written!
Keep up the amazing work.
great read, enjoyed alot. Thank u
Aren’t callback and higher order functions two different things?!!
“A callback function, also known as a higher-order function, is a function that is passed to another function” A higher order function is a function that takes a function as an argument, or returns a function. A callback function is the function that is passed into a higher order function.
Is it possible to get via Google sheet api information and use it with JSON feed callback? I know that it’s possible to get data from a Google spreadsheet via callback function….Is it possible to get data from Google spreadsheet every time that JSON feed callback create a specific type of div with post ttitle, post IMG and post URL?
You are awsome, you made complex things very easy.
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