(Learn Intermediate and Advanced JavaScript Concepts and Techniques in 2 Weeks)
You have completed this course: Learn JavaScript Properly (For NON-JavaScript programmers and First-time Programmers)
Or you already know the following JavaScript concepts well:
— Simple Data Types, Reference Types, Operators, and Objects (in Detail)
— Variable Scope and Hoisting, Expressions, Statements, and JSON
— DOM, The Window Object, JavaScript Events, and Handling Errors
— Functions, Function Properties, Function Expression, and AJAX
— Basic Regular Expressions and Modules
2 Weeks
I submit to you an instructive course on intermediate and advanced JavaScript. The skills you will learn in this course of study will free you from the constrains of using the limited JS techniques you have been using to develop JS applications, and they will give you new insights and new techniques—a Jedi’s temperament and stature—to program JS applications with ease, efficiency, and precision.
If you are new to JavaScript and you are an experienced programmer in another language such as Java, Python, ActionScript, Rails, and PHP, it is important that you learn JavaScript properly. JavaScript has many idiosyncrasies and uncommon concepts that you must know well before you follow this Intermediate to Advanced JavaScript course.